Museum 23 Tokyo

As a true Michael Jordan fan, lover of Nike sneakers and of contemporary art, I had to share the news that Nike will open 'MUSEUM 23' in Tokyo because of the 30th anniversary of Air Jordan. At the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo a space will pay tribute to perhaps the most iconic sneaker in history and biggest sports star ever! Hopefully the rumor is true!
In the space you will have the opportunity to experience the Jordan Brand history with a complete lineup of the series from Air Jordan 1 to Air Jordan 29. Visitors also can check out a reenactment of the court from the 1998 NBA Finals, when Jordan was named NBA Most Valuable Player Award for the sixth year running. Visitors can recreate those moments through a digital experience of Jordan’s now immortal performance in the final minute of the game.
And last but not least His Airness himself is said to visit the exhibition himself! His first visit to Japan in nearly 11 years. Participation is free but pre-registration is recommended, since places for some events are limited. If you are in Tokyo, please go there and share your stories of the event! Keep collaborations between museums and sports brands and companies like this coming!
MUSEUM 23 TOKYO October 16th – October 18th 2015 @ Museum of Contemporary Art TOKYO