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Sportsong of the Week #29

"Mr. Touchdown USA"

Words and music by William Katz, Gene Piller, Ruth Roberts


Sportsong of the Week #29 is a simple song. But catchy as hell! It's Mr. Touchdown USA. The original was written in 1950 by William Katz, Gene Piller and Ruth Roberts. It's still being played at lots of football games across America. Especially by the marching bands. And Larry King, when he used to have a nation wide radio show used to recite this song as he gave out his weekly football picks.

So no storytelling song or difficult lyrics this week. Just a catchy tune about an American hero: Mr. Touchdown USA! Hip hip hooray!

Full lyrics "Mr Touchdown USA"

They always call him Mr. Touchdown; They always call him Mr. T. He can run and he can throw; Just give him the ball and look at him go!

Hip hip hooray for Mr. Touchdown; He's gonna beat em today; So, lets give a great big cheer for the hero of the year; It's Mr. Touchdown, USA.

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